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Charlie 異者之名


Wounds can heal. Scars remain.

22-23.12 (Fri-Sat) 8pm

24.12 (Sun) 3pm


Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre, Cultural Activities Hall

$200, $150 (高齡人士及學生優惠 senior citizens & students)



是次演出靈感源於韓裔歷史學家Heonki Kwon著作《越戰的鬼魂》(Ghosts of war in Vietnam),一部論述後越戰的鬼魂現象的人類學調查,作者親身到越南進行田野搜索,從歷史人類學角度分析,記錄了廣泛的民族誌記載和對不同類型鬼魂、鬧鬼、死亡的歷史分析,以及鬼魂對過去流行理解的影響並呈現。


曾於不同時期師從舞踏大師和栗由紀夫,學習土方巽舞踏體系的兩位舞踏藝術家———日本東雲舞踏藝術總監川本裕子及本地舞踏手謝嘉豪,將聯合編創獨舞作品《異者之名》,透過進入舞踏的異色世界,直面歷史與社會的傷痕,延伸對戰後的思考——不僅是對「悼念」的糾結 ,也是對記憶與當下狀態的叩問。



作曲:曾我傑 (日本) 











Who still trembles in the purple haze? Why does the raven’s cry persist amidst the dark flames? The war is both distant and near; it is the past and the present. Those who perished have become ghosts, haunting us continuously, just to prevent their names from being changed into something like “Charlie”, a cursed name.


This performance is inspired by the book “Ghosts of War in Vietnam”, an anthropological research on the phenomenon of apparitions in post-Vietnam war era, written by Korean historian Heonki Kwon. The author conducted field surveys in Vietnam and recorded a vast number of ethnographic accounts, detailing different kinds of ghosts, hauntings and death. From the perspective of historical anthropology, he explores the influence of ghosts on our understanding of the past.


This solo piece, “Charlie”, is co-choreographed by the Artist Director of Shinonome Butoh, Yuko Kawamoto from Japan, and local Butoh dancer Tomas Tse. Both, having studied the Hijikata method under the late Butoh master Yukio Waguri, will take us on a journey to expand our minds. Through the alternative world of Butoh, let’s confront the scars of history and society and contemplate war as a questioning of memory and the status quo rather than merely a state of “mourning”.

Co-Choreographer: Yuko Kawamoto (Japan)

Co-Choreographer & Dancer: Tomas Tse

Music Composer: Masaru Soga (Japan) 

Naamyam: Luciano Ho

Stage Designer: Rice Fan

Lighting Designer: Arvin Cheng

Costume Designer: Cheng Man Wing

Sound Designer: Char Leung

Producer: Jamie Wu


Running time approximately 60 minutes

No latecomers will be admitted. Audience members are advised to arrive punctually

Recommended for ages 6 and above

Touring information






What is “Butoh”?

“Butoh is an art of rebellion.” – Tatsumi Hijikata


Butoh is a modern dance form that originated in 20th century by Japanese choreographers Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno after World War II. It distinguishes itself from traditional aesthetic boundaries, creating a unique style of performing arts. Through dissociation and entanglement of the bodies, it shows both light and shadow of the human psyche, seeking a liberation of the body and soul. Its alternative worldview shock its audience and invoke contemplation about definitions of “beauty” and the truths regarding body and mind.


The life story of a “Butoh“ dancer unfolds through their fingers, torso and steps, defying the conventional standards of beauty in dance. This art form is gradually gaining recognition in the Western world, particularly America and Europe, with an increasing number of international arts festivals featuring Butoh performances. Furthermore, numerous contemporary choreographers draw inspiration from “Butoh”. In the Chinese-speaking cultural sector, “Butoh” continues to evolve, and “Butoh” dancers in Hong Kong are actively seeking new directions to refine their skills and advance their practice.


Pre-performance Talk

Butoh and the Locality of the Body - An Initial Exploration of Butoh in Hong Kong

「這些傢伙真正的敵人不是權力,而是想像力的缺乏吧。」 — 撰自《挪威的森林》

村上春樹的這句話,或許可以用來回應「舞踏」的誕生;源於上世紀50年代,在當時紛擾波折的日本,由土方巽(Tatsumi Hijikata)和大野一雄(Kazuo Ohno)所創立的「舞踏」, 打開了當代舞蹈的一道獨特的風景,引發了新的美學探索!

自70年代起,舞踏開始流傳至歐美國家,時至今日,舞踏已經融入當代舞蹈的領域;但舞踏卻在華語地區方興未艾,它的既定形象和模糊性,往往被置於劇場與舞蹈之間。到底香港需要舞踏嗎?而我們又能否透過舞踏所形塑的身體,尋找在地的身體/身份呢?是次講座邀得土方巽資料館前館長森下隆先生作線上嘉賓,講解有關舞踏的發展與現況, 而日本著名舞踏編舞家川本裕子,亦將會同場分享她的學藝經歷,以及海外經驗。

“The true enemy of this bunch was not State Power but Lack of Imagination.” – Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

Haruki Murakami's quote could be considered a response to the emergence of "Butoh." Originating in the tumultuous Japan of the 1950s, Butoh, founded by Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno, opened up a distinctive landscape in contemporary dance, catalyzing explorations into new aesthetics.


Since the 1970s, Butoh has spread to European and American countries and has now become an integral part of the contemporary dance world. However, in Chinese-speaking regions, Butoh is still in the process of finding its place, often straddling the boundary between theater and dance, marked by its established image and inherent ambiguity. The question arises: Does Hong Kong need Butoh? Can we utilize Butoh to explore local bodies and identities? 

We have the privilege of inviting Mr. Takashi Morishita, former director of the Tatsumi Hijikata Archives, to join us online and shed light on the current status of Butoh's development. Additionally, renowned Japanese Butoh choreographer, Yuko Kawamoto, will be present to share her personal learning journey and overseas experiences.

日期時間 Date & Time: 2 Dec (Sat) 2:30pm

講者 Speakers: 川本裕子Yuko Kawamoto、森下隆Takashi Morishita (線上 online)、謝嘉豪 Tomas Tse

主持 Moderator: 陳志芬 Fanny Chan

語言 Languages: 英語,設廣東話翻譯 English, with Cantonese translation

地點 Venue: 香港文化中心行政大樓四樓會議室AC2
AC2, 4/F Administration Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre


免費入場 Free admission

名額有限,先到先得 Limited quota; first come, first served


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工作坊 Workshop

由日本著名舞踏手川本裕子主持,透過「舞踏譜」 的練習,帶領學員認識舞踏奇異的想像世界,並探索身體的可能與不可能,開啟一場自我的內在對話。
This workshop is hosted by the renowned Japanese Butoh artist, Yuko Kawamoto. Through the exploration of the "Butoh Score", she will skillfully lead participants into the imaginative realm of Butoh, where they will delve into the potential and limitations of the body, sparking an introspective dialogue within each individual.

導師 Instructors:川本裕子Yuko Kawamoto、謝家豪 Tomas Tse

日期時間 Date & Time: 17 Dec (Sun) 3:30pm

地點 Venue: 文化中心大劇院後台八樓排演室GR2
GR2, 8/F, Grand Theatre Backstage, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

語言 Languages: 英語,設廣東話翻譯 English, with Cantonese translation

費用 Fee: $120

9折優惠組合10% off Package discount: 

$180 1張正價門票及$100 1張工作坊門票

$180 for 1 standard ticket of performance and $100 for 1 ticket of workshop

工作坊長約2小時 The workshop will run for about 1 hour and 30 minutes

請穿着舒適的伸展運動服裝 Please dress with comfortable sports wear
適合十五歲或以上人士參與 Recommended for ages 15 and above

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